move needles knitting (with two circular needles) to the heel When the heel is knit to be depending on the mesh again distributed differently on the needles. This is almost the same as described in part one
I first tool you like it (works for all similar types) with a heel cap goes on.
The heel is so far finished knit.
This means we are at the beginning of the round, the stitches on each half of the wooden needle.
Now we take equal to the previously dormant metal pin in the right hand.
knit and the second half of heel stitches.
Record In connection with the same needle, the stitches of the heel flap.
Before we can now cast off the next course we have to make the metal needle slightly more mobile. For this we go with a free needle in half of the rope out of a loop.
we can now also well they mesh knit on the metal needle.
And we already have half the stitches together to clean the metal needle.
Now we need the other circular needle so the needle timber.
watching good that is not caught the wrong end!
The metal needle we prefer of course to the extent that the bars are all on a rope and hangs down the needle loose.
Now the rest of the mesh of the metal needle still knit with wooden needle.
again we have an image like a Gordian knot. Do not allow it unsafe, this is rightly so.
The metal needle may rest now and we will continue with the wooden needle the stitches of the heel wall.
And already it is almost done. There remain only the restllichen stitches for knitting the heel.
Done! All stitches on right needle and at the start of round.
are made until the Ristabnahmen continued knitting Sun Thereafter, if the upper foot is patterned to be postponed again
still knitting the heel the needles.
The row heel is not necessary to move when the top is patterned foot because it is even easier to knit. Any one machine to mount the Around early to call.
I do in case of a prior row heel Ristzunahme why then are re-inspections necessary. Thus, the result is a beautiful picture, I'd knit the stitch again so on the round needles still have the heel.
I'm here so at the end of the heel and is in half of the net.
equal to the round beginning I take the second circular needle (metal) for knitting
and knit the second half of the heel stitches.
Now, again described above from the metal circular needle, a loop in the center pull
and push the needle back
knit so that we can.
knit these stitches.
So our job now looks like from above.
Now we need the others so wooden needle.
necessarily good control that is not caught the wrong end! Knit
The next course
and the node is already solved.
need now only but the last Stitches to be knitted
Done! Mesh properly distributed on the needles and again at the start of round.
When I use the upper foot muster I switch to the Ristabnahmen
mesh back into the distribution as for the heel .
That's the whole witchcraft. Although in the pictures looks slightly wrong, it tries, because in doing, it is logical and understandable.