first Personal
- first name, last name, date of birth, place of birth
- nationality, passport number, date of issue the ID card, passport validity, type of pass (ID card, foreign document, passport, other internal document), the authority
- street, postal code, city, country
- phone number with optional pre-and co-option
- information: alternative phone number, e-mail address, mailing address if different from the primary residence, address of parents
- sort code, account number, debit
- College, be necessary to examine which university is funded with which credit
- registration number or application number
- first study
- current high school semester to the eligibility date
- previous contributory semester or leave of absence
- to degree as Bachelor, Master, Master, Master, State Exam , other higher education
- statement that they still have not made a college degree yet
- beginning of the first payment (eg SS 2009)
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