The start of a course is often marked with the extract from the parental home. Therefore, be expensive to a recognize at first not so clear. Now if you are dependent on a student loan, you should know how much money you really need for. These are listed here, then items that are designed to provide an overview of the cost of living. The values given are based on average values and refer to the study of the German Student Union in 2006.
Expenditure on rent amount to average 266 € per month. It depends on the chosen form of housing. The residence hall still offers the best option to live where there are the costs are on average about 201 €. A separate apartment is indeed great but also the most expensive option with an average of € 316 a month in rent. The decision where you study is reflected in the rent. The former West Germany are still in the rental cost of the new federal states. In addition, rents in major cities like Munich and Hamburg are often 2.5 times as expensive than in rural areas.
After the rental is equal to the question of the cost of food and clothing. type of food for students, on average, between 80 € and 200 €. And the cost of clothing are still times when an average of 50 €.
Now, if the basic needs are paid are also still spending learning resources the students. This is on average at 35 €. However, there are serious differences in the study. Dentistry students and the department of "fine art, design, graphics, design, new media," delivered by an average of 77 € or 57 € in the most money for learning resources. Followed by the study subjects Architecture (54 €), the right scientists and veterinarians (47 €), medical doctors (44 €), economics (33 €), engineering sciences and natural sciences (30 €).
Furthermore we must underestimate expenditure not travel costs . Here you must decide, will you move around by car or public transport. The expenses for a car amounts to an average of 119 € a month and the public transport (including semester ticket) at month 35 €.
Now come cost health insurance, medical expenses and medication on a. Students under the age of 25 Age are still subject to compulsory insurance of their parents, which would contribute Freed. The contribution rate to health insurance for students from 25 years is currently € 54.78.
Expenditure telephone, Internet, radio and television fees are at about 43 € and are available for Arts, Culture and Sport at about 62 € a month.
contributions to the university, such as expenditure for registration and feedback amounted on average to 141 € per semester. This must be noted, however, that are now to be paid to some universities in some states tuition and this may amount to up to 500 € per semester. For private universities, these amounts far higher still.
When these individual costs are now charged together, you get a month to an average amount of at best be approximately € 567 to 645 €. To note that this applies only to median values and the individual situation may differ considerably light of it.
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