Hard working Creative. for posterity, he left 123 works for piano, 77 songs, 65 sacred choral works, 28 secular choral works, 10 works for organ, an opera, 25 orchestral works, seven works for piano and orchestra, 9, chamber concerts and a variety of arrangements. Franz Liszt (1811 to 1886) is still considered the most brilliant piano virtuoso in music history. Even as a nine year old, he gave concerts. He later studied at the famous Czerny. As a conductor and composer, he fascinated the audience. He developed the "Symphonic Poems," a new genre. The stamp (Figure top) appear to Liszt's birthday on 02/03/2011. Among shown: two of the many titles Liszt (current state) within the two series of the Deutsche Grammophon and Decca, as part of a pitch in the 2nd DFI-semester a new single, to get harmonized series face (target condition). The hot phase of the competition has just begun.
> www.deutschegrammophon.com
> www.deccaclassics.com
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