can we thread a rope around pleasant the wool in your left hand.
This is regulated at the same time, the thread tension, which is important for a fine mesh screen to get. I'll show you here how
you can run the best wool by hand.
the thread from the back of the hand carry forth between ring and little finger to palm. lead

About the ring and middle finger to the forefinger

and between middle and index finger up to the wool or yarn can run over the index finger.

But because most of the inclination of her is not so ideal, we wrap the thread once around the finger. So he gets on top which greatly facilitates the taking knitting.

Each knit something different, Not every material is identical in behavior. can
If the thread is too loose to "build" a brake.
But the wool / yarn additionally once around her little finger.

then it works as described above, the normal way up to the index finger to

and that about it.

No matter whether you are out the material without wrapping the little finger


is important in holding the knitting needle that the fingers are not quite together be clamped otherwise slip through the thread does not.
knits With dry hands, it is better than greasy. Hand cream slows down the wool. So any dry skin care love until after the knitting.
Sweating skin is also an obstacle. Just when you get beginners but fast times wet hands. This is normal as washing hands and you're ready to help more easily.
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