draw what?
quality and impact of the gesture materialized by the Hand edited by Beatrice
Publisher text Why draw? And why draw by hand? What is behind this activity, what is its purpose? In a time of inflationary flow of images, the nonstop excitement and visual distraction in the public and private space may seem strange that question. Why have these simple senses, but now when we have tools to work, promote efficiency, make it possible to generate variants in a short time for direct comparison, tools that allow a surprising experimental field electronically generated images? What children, adolescents, adults move to with passion draw, make the graphic work to do at the center of the work life? What makes the gesture materialized by the hand as precious? Why draw? is a book to read, shows and drawings reflect.
The Issuer Béatrice Gysin is a lecturer in drawing at the Bern University of Arts and tracked in addition to the acquisition of visual skills by Orthoptics character training the artistic and scientific value of this artistic discipline.
> www.beatricegysin.ch
My comment This new publication from Switzerland gives courage and desire. Ready for the drawing. On employment and the revealing of views and images of the wonderful gesture of the hand drawing. That drawing also pause, deceleration and reflection and readings left, ie perception and self-perception and can than give expression also spilled about it is that book. Each line gives formgewordenene concentration, emotion, attitude and ability. Around these issues to the motives and effects of the handling of materials and empty leaves the long text contributions act in the book. There are pages of beautifully arranged drawings of different authors and writers, who remain anonymous and be called back first collected in the book. We see signs in addition to academic exercises surprising Sketches, illustrations and informal without hierarchy in the standings. Further back, artists, illustrators and designers to take their experience with the drawing position and show their own work. In their descriptions of their emotional state at the time of experience, the quality of communication with signs, the quality of concentration and attention. The book comes with color very sparingly - just that the sequence of two-page makes it so exciting. Good books do not have to hide, they glow from within.
Conclusion ***** (5 out of 5 stars)
Béatrice Gysin (Hrg): Draw what? - The quality and impact of the gesture materialized by hand, Edition University of the Arts in Bern Niggli Verlag
Sulgen published in 2010 in Zurich, Switzerland
232 pages, 250 illustrations, size: 24o x 295 mm, softcover, German / French, (40, - €)
> www.niggli.ch
> www.hkb.bfh.ch
> www.thebigdrawberlin.de
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