Friday, January 28, 2011

Does Kerastase Have Keratin In It?


Hello my friends, thank you for
your fingers crossed! That felt really good! And so you wanted to know how verlieft the interview. It was good! At first they gave me but made a "ridiculous" question, where I first did not realize what they hear now will, in the end it was a question to the 1 Help, which I can tell high and down and perform. The rest of the conversation was very nice to actually have also asked all that I wanted to know and she told me everything I know should (the practice is phenomenally large, modern and bright) . All in all, I found myself now - for my first interview - not bad. not the answer I get from 21.02., what I now think is not so bad, because I always only at 01.08. could work and before very long while is. Once I know new things, of course, you get me know! Whether positive or negative. Because I do not know who has registerd all. And at least one is from my class is so well advertised, which is also a strong competition. Ok, I take my leave of you already. Have there not to report the last few weeks have been very stressful from the school, which was worth it! I'm just scarred from the 1.0 in the testimony by a 2, I'll have. And that's very positive! :) Soon is a holiday or vacation and then starts already the learning phase. All right, uncovering the dear ones! ♥


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